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dental exam and check-ups

Comprehensive Dental Exams and Regular Check-ups

A comprehensive dental exam includes an oral exam, teeth exam, periodontal exam, oral cancer screening and any necessary dental x-rays. Regular dental check-ups are important to prevent dental problems and detect them early to maintain your teeth and gum tissue health.

tooth with crown


Porcelain or gold crowns are recommended to restore and strenghten teeth that are significantly decayed, broken, or have had root canal treatment.


Cosmetic Dentistry

Enhance the appearance of your teeth via procedures such as Composite Bonding, Porcelain Veneer, and Cosmetic contouring. 

tooth extracted


An extraction (removal of a tooth) is sometimes necessary when a tooth is severely decayed, broken or infected; or an extraction may be needed for orthodontics purposes.

toothbrush and toothpaste

Dental Cleanings

Regular dental cleanings are recommended at least twice a year. For patients with severe gum disease, a deep cleaning (ie. scaling and root planing) may be necessary to help prevent teeth loss. Oral hygiene instructions will be reviewed to ensure proper home care.

tooth with sealant

Fillings and Sealants

Teeth that have cavities or damaged areas can be restored with tooth-colored composite fillings or silver-colored amalgam fillings. To help prevent cavities, resin sealants can be placed on the natural pits and grooves of teeth, especially molars.

dental implant

Dental Implants

Missing teeth can be restored with either dental implants, bridges, or removable dentures. We can discuss these different options and determine the best treatment option for each patient’s needs.

shine sparkles

Teeth Whitening

Our office offers custom home whitening kits to brighten your smile. The alternative is in-office whitening.  We can discuss these different options and determine the best treatment option for each patient’s needs.

root canal therapy

Root Canal


A tooth that is causing constant severe pain or has a severe infection may require root canal treatment to save the tooth.

mouth guard

Mouth Guards

and Night Guards

For patients who grind/clench their teeth or patients who are athletes, mouth guards or night guards can be made to protect the teeth from fractures and being damaged.



Straighten your teeth by wearing a series of custom clear trays instead of braces. We can determine if you are a candidate for Invisalign treatment during a consultation visit.

Bridges and Removable Dentures

We can replace missing teeth and restore your smile. We offer customized solutions to ensure a comfortable fit and a natural look. Our experienced team of dentists will work with you to create a plan that best fits your individual needs.


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