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Restorative Care

tooth filling


Teeth that have cavities or damaged areas can be restored with tooth-colored composite fillings or silver-colored amalgam fillings.



Porcelain or gold crowns are recommended to restore and strenghten teeth that are significantly decayed, broken, or have had root canal treatment.

dental implant

Dental Implants

Dental implants is considered the "gold standard" to replace a missing tooth or multiple missing teeth.  Unlike other options, dental implants feel the most like natural teeth and do not rely on surrounding teeth for support.  Our office partners with an oral surgeon or periodontist for the implant procedure.  

dental bridge

Dental Bridges

Dental bridges is another option for replacing missing teeth, besides dental implants and dentures.  Unlike dentures, a bridge is a non-removable solution, meaning that one or more artificial teeth are cemented into place using the teeth on either side for support. Although dental bridges might feel like natural teeth, patients who have them would need to use a specialized method to floss their bridges in order to keep the supporting teeth healthy.


Removable Dentures

Dental dentures is another option for replacing missing teeth, besides dental implants and bridges.  Unlike bridges, a denture a removable solution, meaning that one or more artificial teeth are not cemented into place and the denture needs to be removed after meals and at night. For patients who have some remaining natural teeth and have dentures, they must wear their dentures daily, otherwise their natural teeth might shift, and their dentures might not fit anymore. We offer customized solutions for a comfortable fit and a natural look. 

root canal therapy

Root Canal Therapy

A tooth that is causing constant severe pain or has a severe infection may require root canal treatment to save the tooth. The nerve will be removed during the procedure, which eliminates the pain and starts the healing process. After a tooth has a root canal treatment, it usually would need a crown to restore and strengthen the tooth.

a tooth extracted


Although dentists will use every measure to help prevent tooth loss, there are still some occasions when a tooth may need to be extracted.  An extraction (removal of a tooth) is sometimes necessary when a tooth is broken, infected, loose, or severely decayed; or, an extraction may be needed for orthodontics purposes. Depending on the degree of difficulty, we may refer you to a dental specialist called an oral surgeon. Tooth restoration after an extraction is usually necessary, and different options will be discussed.

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